Pablo Pérez Sanmamed - double bass / musical direction musical
Begoña Olavide - psalter / vocals
Elena Tarrats -vocals
Xurxo Varela - viola de gamba / vocals
Iago Mourinho - piano
Chus Pazos - drums
Galician double bass player and composer Pablo Sanmamed gathersinternational success musicians such as Begoña Olavide (psaltery and voice),Elena Tarrats (voice), Xurxo Varela (viola da gamba), Iago Mourinho (piano)and Chus Pazos (drums). The result is a natural combination of early musicand jazz.
Freedom and ornamentation are two pillars of Ben Vennas Maio. Voices andinstruments offer a trip through nine tracks by Alfonso X and others from theArab-Andalusian tradition, renewed and arranged for this release. These cantigas are based on rich rhythmical patterns giving another dimension tothe style of jazz.
Texts of these cantigas are sometime surprising, for instance"Non ven al maio", a song is a critic about the excesses of the wealthy.
Ben Vennas Maio by Pablo Sanmamed, is an approach tothe 13th century songs Cantigas by king Alfonso Xthrough two styles: mediaeval music and jazz.
The work is released by aCentral Folque in vinyl so music combines with other arts: pictures by EutropioRodríguez and texts by Alba Cid.
Music, literature and photography present their ownentity to the main subjects of Ben Vennas Maio: the Cantigas, the spring, the women.
B-rítmos - Cándido Querol
"...ha conseguido fusionar perfectamente el folclore tradicional con unos músicos que conocen ambos lenguajes, nada de corta y pega, en cada tema iremos viendo cómo se maridan ambos con un gusto exquisito.
La Nueva España- Eduardo Viñuela
"...el carácter modal de las melodías que avanzaba por tonalidades abiertas, la confluencia de patrones rítmicos superpuestos, las maneras del jazz haciendo evolucionar motivos breves y la rica colatura tímbrica del conjunto que conjugaba instrumentos antiguos como viola de gamba o salterio con modernos . Fue aquí donde apreciamos mayor novedad , en la facilidad que todo el instrumental mostró para aceptar y amoldarse al conjunto , consiguiendo un empaste natural "
RNE- La Hora Azul- Jon Bandrés
De Galicia Valencia: Pablo Sanmamed y Andrés Valero
O Recanto de Corcovado- Radio Lois Atanes
Premio Mellor disco 2021
RNE Clásica- La Riproposta-
Melodías folklóricas actualizadas
Fotografía- Eutropio Rodríguez
Fotografía - Eutropio Rodríguez Teatro Colón
Fotografía- Eutropio Rodríguez